ADS NOW; Being Responsible | TinyGrads | Children's Videos | Little Mandy Manners | Character Songs - KIDS SONG COLLECTION | KIDS SONG DOWNLOADS | KIDS EDUCATION

Being Responsible | TinyGrads | Children's Videos | Little Mandy Manners | Character Songs

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When you care for all your pets
And you’re gentle with them,
When you finish all your chores
Before you go to bed,
You didn’t wait to be told.
Don’t put your chores on hold.
Always try your best and be responsible.

Responsibility is important.
Responsibility is for me
to know
what I need to do and then I stick to it.
Responsibility is up to me.

Wake up early in the morning
so you’re not late for school.
Make sure to brush your teeth and hair
And lace up your shoes.
It shows you know what to do
When its time for school.
And my Mommy tells me “I’m so proud of you!”

Responsibility is important.
Responsibility is for me to know...
What I need to do and then I stick to it.
Responsibility’s up to me.

When you come back home from school
There’s always something to do.
But before you have fun,
Make sure your homework is done.
Show your family and friends
So you can start a trend
To be responsible and that’s how you should be.
Now you know about responsibility.