Sing along with TInyGrads' Little Mandy Manners about being kind to people. This is a fun song for children on the importance of respecting and being kind to others.
Be kind to people
And they'll be kind to you.
And just like a sunrise,
It's so beautiful too.
If someone's home
And sick in bed
You could write them a letter.
Say, "I hope you get better!
Let's see how kind you can be.
Be kind to people
And they'll be kind to you.
And just like a sunrise,
It's so beautiful too.
You could pick pretty flowers,
For someone special.
Tell your brothers or sisters
You care for them.
Look! See how kind you can be.
Be kind to people
And they'll be kind to you.
And just like a sunrise,
It's so beautiful too.
And just like a sunrise,
It's so beautiful too.