ADS NOW; "Grumpy as a Grizzly Bear," Songs about Emotions by StoryBots - KIDS SONG COLLECTION | KIDS SONG DOWNLOADS | KIDS EDUCATION

"Grumpy as a Grizzly Bear," Songs about Emotions by StoryBots


You might be a little hungry, you might be a little sad
Or you could just be frustrated ‘bout the day that you have had
Or maybe you’re just tired, have a cold or lost a sock
And you say, “Don’t cheer me up. I sure don’t wanna talk.”

‘Cause you are grumpy as a grizzly bear
that hasn’t eaten all winter long and has ladybugs in its hair
And when you’re growling at you know who
It surely makes me, want to climb a tree, ‘til your grumpiness is through

When you’re feelin’ like a grouchy, cranky crab that’s in a huff
You might want to pinch somebody, shout and act like real tough stuff
Maybe you feel left out, that you’d really like to play
Or something isn’t fair and you never get your way

When you get grumpy as a grizzly bear
That hasn’t eaten all winter long and has jelly beans in its hair
But the best thing that you can do
Is not to shout, but talk it out ‘til your grumpiness is through
(And a hug helps too)