ADS NOW; Animal Songs: "Dance with the Elephant," by StoryBots - KIDS SONG COLLECTION | KIDS SONG DOWNLOADS | KIDS EDUCATION

Animal Songs: "Dance with the Elephant," by StoryBots


Dance With The Elephant

Dance Dance Dance with the Elephant
Dance Dance Dance with the Elephant
Move right along with the Elephant song
Dance with the Elephant Yeah!

Dance Dance Dance with the Elephant
Dance Dance Dance with the Elephant
We're having fun in the African sun
Dance with the Elephant Yeah!

Stomp your feet to the Elephant beat
While the drums go plunkety-plunk (plunky plunk)
Listen as he blows a crazy solo
Right out of his Elephant trunk!
(Elephant trumpet solo)

Dance Dance Dance with the Elephant
Dance Dance Dance with the Elephant
(Elephant trumpet solo)

Dance with the Elephant Yeah!
Dance with the Elephant (Elephant trumpet solo)
Dance with the Elephant Yeah!
(Elephant trumpet solo)