ADS NOW; Animal Songs: "Tiger in the Jungle," by StoryBots - KIDS SONG COLLECTION | KIDS SONG DOWNLOADS | KIDS EDUCATION

Animal Songs: "Tiger in the Jungle," by StoryBots



StoryBot B: Nice, kitty kitty.

Tiger in the Jungle
Tiger in the Jungle
He's not the kind that lives inside your house

Prancing on his paws
Doing the Cha-Cha-Cha
You never see him chase after a mouse

He's a big (big) big (big) cat!
(rawr rawr)
What do you think of that?
(rawr rawr)
He's a big (big) big (big) cat!
(rawr rawr)
What do you think,
What do you think of that?

(rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr)
(rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr)

See his tiger tail
Bouncing down the trail
He's not your ordinary feline

All the creatures like
To see his pretty stripes
He just likes to have a good time

StoryBot B: Pretty kitty

He's a big (big) big (big) cat!
(rawr rawr)
What do you think of that?
(rawr rawr)
He's a big (big) big (big) cat!
(rawr rawr)
(rawr rawr rawr rawr)
StoryBot A: What do you think of that?

(rawr rawr)