StoryBot A: We will now participate
StoryBot B: In a program about the letter P
Penguins and pancakes
Poodles and ponies
partridges and pogo sticks
All start with the letter P
Papers and paddles
Paint and plum trees
Pasta and parsley
All start with the letter P
These are puppets
Can't you see
StoryBot A & B: We're puppets
And puppet starts with the letter P
StoryBot A: I have misplaced my pajama pants
StoryBot B: Perhaps you can purchase another pair
StoryBot A: They were very pricey.
Peanuts and pencils
And a Pocketful of pennies
Polar bears and porcupines
All start with the letter P
StoryBot B: pirates
StoryBot A: and piglets
All start with the letter P
StoryBot A: That was a positive experience.
StoryBot B: Yes, I am as pleased as punch.